Dragon Age Inquisition What Happens if You Let Cullen Take Lyrium Again

Romance Commander Cullen in Dragon Age: Inquisition Part 2

Edited by Kathy McGraw


Be sure to read the first part of this walkthrough here: Romance Commander Cullen in Dragon Age: Inquisition Part 1

Welcome to Part 2 of my Commander Cullen Romance walkthrough. We pick up we left off after you two lovebirds share your first kiss on the battlements.

Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts

  1. 1

    Find Cullen standing along the wall in the Grand Ballroom


    He's surrounded by fawning Nobles and looking very uncomfortable. You can overhear some of their comments, and they're hilarious.

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  2. 2

    Use the heart option "Save a dance for me, " and he'll say "No, thank you." At your disappointed sigh, he'll blush furiously and stammer out "No


    I didn't mean to- Maker's breath. I've answered that question so many times that I'm rejecting it automatically. I'm not one for dancing. The Templars never attended balls."

  3. 3

    Use the dialog option (6) You have admirers to which he will answer "I don't know, but they won't leave me alone."

  4. 4

    Choose the heart option "You don't enjoy the attention?' and he'll say "Hardly


    Anyway, yours," he clears his throat and continues in a softer voice. "Yours is the only attention worth having." Cue the fangirl flailing!

  5. 5

    Ask him if he has anything to report, and he'll say something to the effect of it would be easier "if people stopped talking to me," but then he realizes what he just said to you and adds, "Not you."

  6. 6

    Cullen finds you on the balcony at the end of the quest


    He asks you if you're all right, and you can respond in a few ways. He'll tell you that he was worried for you, and then he glances toward the ballroom where the preceding song has stopped, and he smiles at you. "I may never have another chance like this, so I must ask." He steps away from the railing and extends his hand out to you as he bows. "May I have this dance, my lady?"

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    1. Respond yes, and he leads you out to the center of the balcony, and as you start dancing you tell him "I thought you didn't dance." He responds "For you, I'll try." Awwwww! Cullen turns into a Disney Prince!
    2. Respond no, and, being the adorable and considerate man that he is, says "Of course," and puts a comforting arm around your shoulders before the scene fades to black.

Perseverance - Lyrium

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Perseverance is Cullen's personal quest. After doing either Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts or Adamant, visit Cullen in his office to find a runner there. Ask her where the Commander is and she'll tell you that he's gone to speak with Cassandra.

  1. 1

    Go to Cassandra's quarters in the Smithy and Cullen is there, having an argument with her about him resigning his position as Commander


    He is obviously distressed, but Cassandra is having none of it. When he notices you entering, he cuts the conversation short and leaves with a soft "Forgive me," as he passes you on his way out.

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  2. 2

    Have a conversation with Cassandra about Cullen's decision to quit lyrium


    It's clear that she completely supports it. You can be supportive of Cullen's decision, show concern for his health, or tell Cassandra you think it's foolish, but either way, she'll ask you to talk to him and figure out with him if quitting lyrium now is the best decision.

  3. 3

    Return to Cullen's quarters, and he's back there, leaning over his desk and staring at his lyrium kit


    With a shout, he picks it up and throws it, barely missing you as you walk in the door. You have some choices for responding here, but as you walk in, Cullen apologizes and then stumbles against his desk, obviously in pain. He tells you that he never meant for this (his lyrium withdrawal) to interfere.

  4. 4

    Listen to Cullen as he breaks down and tells you what happened to him in Ferelden's Circle


    He tells you about his torture, he tells you about being transferred to Kirkwall and being fooled by his Knight-Commander. He talks about all the death and destruction he witnessed there and his failure to stop it. At the end, he turns toward you and says "Can't you see why I want nothing to do with that life?"

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  5. 5

    You can respond sympathetically or more harshly, depending on your character, but your next responses will have consequences for continuing your relationship with Cullen


    He tells you that he thought he would be better, that he could gain control of his life, but "these thoughts won't leave me! How many lives depend on our success? I will not give less to the Inquisition than I did the Chantry. I should be taking it." He walks over to his bookcase and punches it hard. "I should be taking it."

  6. 6

    Respond with the heart option "I care about what you want" and ask if he wants to go back on lyrium, to which he will respond "No, but these memories have always haunted me


    If they get worse...if I can't endure this" You have two choices:

    1. Don't risk it. Take lyrium. If you tell him to take lyrium, you'll see him lift the lyrium vial in his hand and look at it, an expression of disgust on his face, before he downs it. (So heartbreaking! Don't do it!)

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    2. Don't give up. He gives a relieved sigh and says "All right." Either way, if you try to talk to him again, he tells you he needs some time.

Perseverance: Aftermath

The next time you visit him in his office, depending on what your decision was regarding his lyrium use, you get either of the following interactions with him:

  1. 1

    You find Cullen on the battlements. He takes a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air, obviously at peace. Ask him if he's feeling better, and he says that yes, he is. He'll tell you that he has never told anyone else what happened to him in Ferelden's Circle and how it made him a bitter and angry man, ruled by fear for many years and that he didn't like the man it made him. Use the heart option "I care about you, " and he'll be stunned to hear that you still want him, even after his craziness. Then, being the considerate man he always is, he'll ask about how you're doing. Answer whatever way you think your character should; whatever you say, he'll listen and comfort you.

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  • 2

    You find Cullen at the Smithy looking at the new swords laid out on a table. If you ask him how he's doing, he'll answer that he's less exhausted, and everything is as it should be. He seems sad and resigned. You have some choices on how to respond here and after a conversation about sacrifice and him breaking free of his lyrium leash you get to reconsider your earlier choice regarding his lyrium use:

    1. You chose this life. If you choose this, and he stays on lyrium, he'll break up with you, telling you that he must devote himself to his work since he doesn't know how to deal with his past. Heartbreak!
    2. I was wrong about the lyrium. He stops the lyrium, and your relationship continues.
    3. We'll find a safer way. After. He'll continue taking lyrium but won't break up with you. I have no idea how this plays out in the DLC, though, so if you choose this option, you're taking a risk.
  • Happier Times

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    Visit Cullen after Perseverance, and he has something to ask of you. He'd like you to accompany him to Ferelden on Inquisition business. He takes you a lake near Honnleath. He tells you that he used to come there all the time as a boy to get away from his siblings. He brings out a coin that his brother gave him for luck before he left for Templar training. He wants to give it to you now. Awww! You can accept it, tell him he should keep it, or just refuse it. Either way, he draws you close to him, and you share a kiss.

    The Pay Off

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    After either Adamant or Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts, depending on which one you did last, comes the scene you were waiting for: the cementing of your relationship with Cullen and the love scene.

    When you visit Cullen, his office is full of soldiers, and he is having a meeting. He notices you leaning against the wall, and his brusque tone falters. He quickly wraps up the meeting and closes the door behind the last of his men as they leave. He wants to discuss your relationship. He tells you that he "won't want to move on, not from you." But he doesn't know if you want to the same thing: that is an exclusive and permanent relationship with him.

    Choose the heart option: "I want to be with you," and your character slips between Cullen and his desk as you perch on its edge. "Cullen. Do you have to ask," you say. He looks at you sheepishly. "I guess not. I want," and as you shift, you knock a bottle off his desk and it shatters. I'll leave it here and just say that the scene fades to black shortly.

    The Morning After

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    You are putting your boots on while Cullen is still in bed sleeping. He starts having a nightmare and awakens, breathing hard. You comfort him, and he rises on one elbow to cup your cheek with his other hand. He says "I didn't mean to worry you,"

    1. 1

      Respond in whatever suits your character, but my favorite is 1


      I'm here for you: "You can let me worry about you a little."

    2. 2

      Then sits up further to lean his forehead against yours (aww, how sweet can you get?) and says "You are...I have never felt anything like this"


      Respond "I love you." or some other less declarative statement, but I am a romantic at heart, so I always declare my love.

    A Game of Wicked Grace

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    If you have high approval from Varric, you get invited to play a card game known as Wicked Grace. It's kind of like poker. Cullen is there, and he is drinking and appears as relaxed as you've ever seen him. Eventually, it's between him and Josephine, and he isn't backing down. He ends up having to run back to his office not wearing a stitch.

    If you talk to him after this debacle, he tells you that he's never playing cards again. Use the heart option "I liked watching you lose, " and he'll say in an affronted voice "I do not need help embarrassing myself in front of you!" So cute!

    In the Chapel

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    After the quest, What Pride had Wrought, visit Cullen and find him in Skyhold's Chantry praying to Andraste and the Maker.

    1. 1

      Ask him "A prayer for you?" and he responds "For those, we have lost, and for those I am afraid to lose."

    2. 2

      Use the heart option "Afraid to lose, " and this starts a touching scene, one of my favorites in the game, where he tells you that he is afraid and that no matter what he feels, he must send you after Corypheus


      In the end, he hugs you close and tells you that you will come back to him.


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    If you chose the Rebel Mages, you get an additional quest with Cullen called "Before the Dawn" where you have to track down Corypheus' general, Samson. Cullen and Samson served together in Kirkwall, and they have a history. Samson is badly addicted to lyrium and has now turned to red lyrium, which is more potent and destructive than blue lyrium.

    After you raid the Shrine of Dumat with Cullen, and after you capture Samson during What Pride has Wrought, you may judge him in Skyhold. After you do so, visit Cullen. He's angrily throwing daggers at a training dummy in his office when you enter. Cullen explains that even though Samson has been caught, there are yet Templars out there who have been turned toward a cause they would never have chosen for themselves.

    Cullen essentially says that he could have easily been one of those fallen Templars had circumstances not been what they were. He asks you if you've ever considered what your life might have been if you'd never been named Inquisitor. Respond with the heart option "If we'd never met?" to be treated to his trademark smirk and a sassy raised eyebrow.

    The End

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    After the final battle, Josephine organizes a big party to celebrate your victory. After you mingle a bit, you head toward your room. Cullen comes up to you, and you go up together. He tells you that he doesn't care about anything except you being alive. Neither of you knows what comes next, but neither of you cares very much, either. You walk out onto your balcony, and he follows you. He pulls you against his chest and hugs you close as you watch the sunset together.

    Romance Commander Cullen in Dragon Age: Inquisition Part 1



    Source: https://visihow.com/Romance_Commander_Cullen_in_Dragon_Age:_Inquisition_Part_2

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