Anime Girl Getting Cut by Lasers Deviant Art

Please learn from my mistakes

My 16 yo daughter got involved with this website before I knew much, if anything, about it. I should have trusted my instincts and deleted her account early on.

Recently, I held my breath and finally clicked on many of the member's profile pages. Shocked and sickened would describe how I felt knowing that these people were discussing art and their interpretation of life with my daughter. Obscene swearing abounds on some of the profiles and don't even look at their 'favorites'. I clicked on one only to see Sherlock Holmes and Watson doing something that definitely was not in the movie. Yes, that.

In addition, there is lots of anger coming from many of the members. Just think about getting tons of confused (and often neglected) teens together and have them all compare notes about all the pain in their lives and on top of that, display all this pain in drawings or paintings or whatever. Well, just enter a search for blood or death and you'll see what I mean. How many ways can one draw pain? There appears to be quite a few.

I have to ask some of you out there who say that this site is something that your 6 or 7 year old should view, have you gone there and really dug around the muck? I wish I had done so earlier.

I give it 2 stars because the site is set up nicely where one can display his or her work. Some of the art work is beautiful; there are many talented people out there. Otherwise, I would give it a 1 star for low standards. First, for allowing so much profanity and second, for their labeling system. Just labeling something as 'mature doesn't cut it; kids are swearing that they are 18 and clicking on it all; don't assume they are turning a blind eye.

And be sure you are monitoring the Notes section. This is where all the fun really happens! Just imagine, talking to someone in another country, and role playing fantastical stories. Just imagine what that can lead to. Believe me, it does lead to some nasty stuff. I have seen it.

Deviant Art can be an okay site, but monitor, monitor, monitor.....I cannot stress that enough. Don't be in my position, having to parent reactively. Parent proactively and protect your child.

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I used to be a member of DevaintArt, all I can say it is not appropriate for me or anyone. I had trouble with a couple of cyber bullies and other users on this site. It's name isn't that great either. I mean who wants to go to a site, that is called Deviant? I mean come on. I think this site has very sick humor with the inappropriate art such as porno and nudity. It isn't great for little children under the ages of 13, or anyone older then that. I will not allow any of my children to have a membership ever. It could be dangerous you never know if there are pedophiles on this site. It is kind of dangerous for young children. .

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Adult Written byTanner28 October 26, 2012

Do not use Deviantart dot com

This is NOT a website that cares about its community or users. They are slow to stop art theives. Slow to remove spammers. They also show little to no care about the regular users of their website, such as making massive changes or submitting its users to tests without prior knowledge.
Here is a good example taken from one someone wrote.

It's the version change all over again? (As far as I can gather)
Simply thrown at the community? Check. (Even though it is this time just a test group)
Negative opinions obviously getting ignored? Check. (If they wouldn't be ignored the new submission page would (most probably) at least be already deviantgreen, as that is the most demanded and asked thing even from the people who like the new submission page.)
Thus simply forcing it on (not just throwing at) the community? Check. (Everything until now was forced upon the community (excluding Beta-testers and Alpha-testers as they generally give their allowance). We didn't even get the simple option to choose/vote or even get informed somewhere about anything. (Even in the most recent "weekly site update" journal the new submission page is still listed being in "Beta-testing". No word about the normal member group and no word about it being mad because of the new submission page.)

So, I guess I get the idea. DeviantART isn't a community(-driven) site, it's obviously your private site that you share with a community. You determine what it looks like and we're sitting here with the decision to stay and ask you to remove bugs from it or to simply leave. (We don't get to vote, nothing)
And if everything is right I've stated until now then the sentence "We will be really sad to see you go!" on the Deactivation page must be a blatant lie. (If the decision is really "Deal with it or get out of here")

And I also guess it was wrong to show any love or affection for the site. It just makes yourself angry when something is changed so that you dislike it. And someday I guess for pretty much everybody will something be found that they dislike/hate.

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Parent of a 13-year-old Written bybobsax September 16, 2012

Perverts may be lurking

I noticed that somebody had commented on what a pretty girl he thought my 13 yo daughter was. I checked him out and he is at least old enough to drink because he states in his profile that he likes good beer. His gallery was a few photographs of landscapes but his favorites was almost entirely young girls in underwear. Much of it was blocked because my daughter has explicit content blocked.
I find this a little disturbing in many ways. One of which is the message that you'll be popular if you take provocative photos of yourself.

Some of the girls look pretty young also. Isn't there a law about that?

My daughter is a great artist and she gets a lot from the site and has friends of the same age that are on the site. I was not aware of the recommended age of 15 here at CSM.

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Adult Written bycarrie r. July 20, 2017

DeviantArt Staff Lazyness

This website has got my child crying multiple times. We went to the staff for some assistance on extreme Cyber Bullying. One of the community members targeted her making an embarrassing journal about her. We turned this child in and the staff told us that it was not of their concern, even though in the forums it stated that the member could not post such things on the website. We turned it a total of 5 reports of this child, nothing was done about this. So to summarize everything. This website's staff sit around gathering money in their pockets while they refuse to enforce of their rules allowing psychological damage to my child from this Cyber Bullying.

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Adult Written byTJ T. July 29, 2017

No, no and NO!

This site isn't meant for kind artists! This site is for artistic bullies only! If your first language isn't English, then you most likely haven't paid attention to what deviant means. Let me explain you that deviant means differs from a norm, especially a person whose behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards. This is what you can see there. Bunch of people, who's behavior and attitudes differ from accepted social standards, especially if it's about justice warriors! Stay away from those, because these justice warriors aren't any better than bullies. Justice is used to excuse bullying, which does popular artists and artists, who paid for core membership! Cyber bullying isn't that big problem as a fact how cyber bullying is excused on this site! It's not just usual he did this to me, that's why I bully him type of excuses. Disorders are also used as excuses to support bullies, who bully people, which might as well really could have disorder. Terrible and disgusting! This site is lovely place for upcoming criminals, because this site has a lazy administration, who's only interest is money and if they do something, then it's because crowd beg them to do it. Don't be fooled by the positive reviews. There isn't any objectivity on this site, especially when it comes to justice, just crowd's idiocy!

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Adult Written byFox M September 30, 2017


When I joined on this site few years ago, it was a decent and promising place, but I left it due to personal issues. Now in 2017 I joined again and have to say this place has changed and changes are awful! I got the feeling the old and good community left this site and got replaced with parasites, leeches, fake friends, trolls and bullies, but that's not the worst. The worst is on top of it all, called justice and deviantART admins! You might think justice groups helps you fight against bullies, but it's not true. Justice groups only punishes people, who got angered by trolls and bullies, just like devianART admins punish such people, but the true bullies gets away without a punishment and has even friendship with justice groups! From the recent drama I figured out that some bullies also doesn't get punishment just because they are lesser evil! I'm sorry, WHAT?! Is that the newest excuse to not punish a bully! Any form of evil has to be weeded out before it does more damage and if justice groups refuses to weed out lesser evil then have to ask if such groups are really for justice or just a protection services for bullies?! The same justice groups are also forcing people to admit crimes people haven't committed and harasses them until they hear admission from people they wish to blame. If that doesn't work then they impersonate these people so that it would look like a person, who justice groups wishes to blame, has admitted things, which actually this person they blame hasn't done!

Nothing is real on deviantART! Friendship, understanding, kindness and everything else is faked enormously on deviantART!

Administration on this site supports bullying and refuses to stop it! If you have a fame, core membership and many watchers then you can bully anyone you wish to bully!

Sadly everyone I know, who really has a disability or disorder, is hated and bullied on this site, while everyone, who I know has a fake disability or fake disorder is admired and loved on deviantART.

I suggest you to not buy their lousy core membership, because lazy deviantART administrators shouldn't be supported and I also suggest you to not bother with this site and find another site, where you could submit your art. People and everything else on this site isn't worth your and your child's time, attention and nightmares.

And one more thing! Art is just a bait, used to lure you inside this huge horror lair!

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Adult Written bySidney S July 22, 2017

This site should be closed!

As many wrong things on the internet this site also should be closed, because it's twisted, wrong and sick place. Everything there is backwards! deviantART administration does something only if the crowd begs them to do it, other than that they're lazy and selfish people, who are interested only in money. This place isn't appropriate for anyone! Selfishness, leeches and greediness is on every corner on this site and at the top of it ridiculous justice warriors are roaming, claiming they fight for justice. While sometimes they do something good, most of the times justice warriors take things out of the context, making one side look bad and the other side look good, although fault is at both sides and falsely accuse people, who got nothing to do with crimes. You shouldn't believe everything these justice warriors say, because there are times when these justice warriors aren't any better than liars or even bullies. Children should stay away from it! The only thing your child can learn here is how to insult people and commit crimes like destroying other people's reputation and bullying! Don't let yourselves be fooled by the positive reviews about this site. At best it's only one or two years like that. After that hell begins and you'll see that people you called friends are jerks and bullies. Speaking of bullies. Be careful, because even a bully on this site is capable to pretend as your friendly and supportive friend, who encourages you, but later destroys your courage and trust in other people just because you didn't fit in bully's sick expectations.

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Adult Written bySim M. July 9, 2017

Very bad place, probably one of the worst you can find

More than a year ago somebody bullied me through notes. I reported this person to administration. They did nothing to stop it. I left this site, because I think it's unacceptable that deviantART administration does nothing to stop bully only because bully has core membership. Few days ago I went to this site to see if something's changed. Turns out that while I moved on and keep living my life, the same bully with it's supporters are falsely accusing me of crimes I haven't committed and telling people lies about my life. Once again deviantART administration does nothing to stop this. Common sense doesn't exist on this site, only hypocrisy and arrogance. I have impression some people there think that art making and uploading there somehow excuses false accusations and lies, they even think their reputation is enough to prove their accusations. Find better site than deviantART, because it's not art site any longer. It's site for liars and bullies only, who are making accusation competition, trying to destroy anybody's reputation. Any decent human being, who acts like a human and doesn't pretend to be something this person isn't is hunted like a wild animal and chased with accusations almost in the same manner how people were chased during witch trial times. Although this is 21st century, the medieval obscurantism still exists there. I believe there are some truly nice and kind people, but looking for such people is like searching for a needle in a haystack. I would highly recommend for parents to keep children away from this place. There's nothing worthy on this site.

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Adult Written bySteve S July 21, 2017


This place is beyond terrible! Popularity in this site means you can do whatever you want, that includes bullying others and spreading rumors about other people! Popular artists bullies people and you can report them as much as you wish to admins, they won't care about it. In best case you'll hear suggestion to block! You think it helps? No, because then it ends with rumor spreading and admins won't even care about this! They'll do nothing to stop this, because they don't care how consequences of such bullying can affect victim's entire life! If you or your child has been bullied on this site and admins of this site doesn't care about it, then I encourage you and suggest you to report this site to any authority, which fights against bullying on the internet, because it seems that admins of this site supports bullying! Gather evidence, which proves admins doesn't care about it and evidence, which proves you were bullied, then give this evidence to any authority, which responds on such cases!

If you and your child still decide to set foot on this site, despite of what I said then be there only because of art you post there or because of art you like to watch, depends if you're artist or someone, who just watches other artists! Avoid communication with people you don't know there as much as possible. Be polite enough, but don't hold high hopes you'll make new friends there, because only small amount of people there are good friends and it's almost impossible to determine, which one is good friend and which one is bad friend. Usually their true faces shows up after a year and then you can see ugly reality that 0-5 out of 150 people you called friends are really friends.

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Parent Written bySamuel R. July 7, 2017

A Fetish Playground

DeviantArt should simply be locked away in a fortress that children and others can't get to! Sure it can have good artwork that comes in now and then. However underneath everything is the 37% of the website that is a public fetish playground of all sorts, filled with content that promotes (I kid you not) genocide, racism (heightism), sexism, inflation, and violence, basically rule 34. Ranging from half-naked women to the murder of cartoon men these things are accepted as being normal everyday material on the website and often the staff don't take action against your reports because it doesn't go against their rules, why is it not sexual enough? It feels like the staff actually don't care. It's ironic because the website clearly breaks one of the rules against over-sexualised images or sexual based humour which is clearly present as an entire community genre! Unsurprisingly people get away with showing nude characters who have tape over their breasts and many more horrific things. Additionally, if you report too much (as if you couldn't) you will automatically have your report tool removed for a month or permanently (I lost mine)! Often I've seen people who post constant images about one person (.E.g. a celebrity) but they also get sexual, and a very much a stalker. Don't be surprised to see themes around alcohol, drugs and smoking, especially if it's a meme. It's extremely difficult talking sense to these people because they're most likely too far gone and will come up with anything to justify themselves. Lots of swearing is present in some artworks or users, and in typical chats. The entire website is centred around purchases, including buying artworks or features for your page or group. Simply don't make an account on this website EVER. It's dangerous for you and others too! If you have an account, or your child does, I insist you DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY!

I will add that I have received unwanted sexual tracking cookies from random pages. It's a rare occurance.

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it sucks

too much inflation and fetishes don't let your kids watch it

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I don't recommend it

I don't recommend it due to safety reasons. I have gone to this site and left, a lot of the users are rude. But have great art. I would take strong precaution, because there could be pedophiles posing as an innocent little girl. My mom and dad don't want me on it, due to reports of cyberbullying, identity theft, and credit card stolen numbers.

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Adult Written byCyM July 17, 2014

Full of hateful comments

Please, do not allow your kids to sign up to this web site. My child was on it for one day and within a few minutes, she started to get all kind of offensive language, threats and ill-animated creatures on her main page. She was traumatized for days with the awful comments some users dare to post. I tried to look around to see what could be the benefit but could not find any at all. The "art" posted by most users is mediocre and lacks any creativity. However, the users seem to like to engage more in attacking others than on the art itself. I believe the web site had the best of intentions, but the users and the lack of monitoring of the parents have made it a trashy place for kids to virtually interact with others. It is so easy to hide behind a keyboard for many so cyber-bullying is present throughout. Again, nothing against the creators of the web page, but the users who are in it are not worth your child's tears and nightmares.
Thank you!

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Adult Written byRagzi September 10, 2010

Artistic nudity may be a problem

I say both appropriate and inappropriate user content because, while there may be great art on dA, they also allow artistic nudity. In my opinion, artistic nudity is fine, but some people on this website can not draw the line between artistic and trashy. The great thing about dA is that you have to be 18 to view these pictures (although there are ways around it).

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Adult Written byNicGraigh July 17, 2018

Absurdly protective of Hackers!

Reported a person who openly admitted to hacking, and the site did nothing! Saying she was writing fiction. Mind this comes from the Admin of the site. I can't stress enough the difference between a threat and fiction. The hacker even threatened to hack me if I reported! Seriously? Thats fiction to DA. Don't even go on this site and waste time it isn't worth it. There are better art sites if you want to post art!

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Adult Written byDarkOnyx July 1, 2018

A bad site

I admit this site is bad. I have been there since 2013, and I was a traditional artist. I dislike this site because it has too many people cursing, insulting, stealing art, and it gives more care towards digital artists instead of giving it equally to traditional artists. I've been bullied, and insulted in there, that is why I believe that deviantart is the worse site.

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Parent of a 2-year-old Written byScratcher_cat March 2, 2011

Great for artistic kids

From the time the can appreciate art, they will like this site. I'd reccomend browsing with your child from 9-11/12 though. 13 is when it is legal for them to have an account. So it should be okay by then. You could also get your own account and let your kids post their drawings on there, and let them see the feedback.

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Parent of a 14 and 14-year-old Written byjtaul November 9, 2010

Great site for teen artistic expression

My kids love this site and it didn't occur to me to check its rating on commonsense. But now that I have, it seems to fall in place with what I've seen...creativity unbounded, even if art to us is different than art to 'them'. somewhere to express yourself artistically. thumbs up.

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Parent of a 4-year-old Written bynicole.18.2008 October 18, 2010

Good for artist use. But has some nudity!

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Anime Girl Getting Cut by Lasers Deviant Art


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